Where did you first hear about cloth diapers?
A friend of mine was expecting her third baby and couldn't find the kind of flats she wanted. She had CD'd her first two children, but the ones she used to buy had changed how they were made and they were too thin.
What did you think at first?
I remember thinking, "People still do that? Do they even *make* cloth diapers anymore?"
What made you start to think you should try cloth?
As I scoured the internet for my friend trying to help her find flats, I found out that the flats option isn’t as popular anymore, but there were tons of new cloth diaper options, including some that are one step and some combo diapers that include disposable and cloth elements (like Gdiapers). The more I learned, the more I thought, “Hey, this could be doable!” Also, I am a very frugal person, and the potential to not have to buy disposable diapers every week was very appealing to me.
What cloth diapering option did you choose? Why?
I chose to use flats with covers for several reasons. Number one, it’s the cheapest way to go. I had looked into All in Ones, All in Twos, and Pockets, but they were just too much for us to have an entire stash of them. Number two, they are easy to use and wash. Because there are not tons of layers sewn together, they dry much faster than other options and I haven’t had any buildup issues that can be more common with other types of diapers. Some people think this option isn’t as cute as the others, but I have found some really cute covers! A similar option is prefolds with covers, but I chose flats over prefolds because they are just as absorbent without being as bulky, and they are cheaper.
Describe your first experience using cloth diapers.
My first experience was actually when I changed a diaper for my friend’s daughter. I put the flat into a plastic diaper bag (the same type used for disposables), replaced the flat (which was simply folded into a rectangle), and put the cover back on. I remember I looked at my friend and said, “Wait, did I do that right?” She just laughed and said yes. I couldn’t believe it was that easy. I recently was on the other end of this experience when one of my sister in laws saw me change my son and it cracked me up!
What is your favorite part of cloth diapering? What is your least favorite part?
My favorite part is hard to choose, but I guess it would have to be the money I save and the fact that I’m never out of diapers! Close runner ups include how cute they are and how great the detergent I use is (I’ve even started to use it on all my other laundry).
The least favorite part is hard to think of, but I guess it would have to be the smell that can develop in the diaper pail if you leave them in there too long. This rarely happens for me, especially since I have a pail freshener from Rockin’ Green (who also makes my awesome detergent).
Is using cloth harder or easier than you expected?
At first, it was a little harder than I expected, but that was because I was trying to do difficult diaper folds, like the origami fold on my flats. I have since realized that folding them in a rectangle works just as great and is a lot faster and easier.
Overall, cloth is much easier than I would have expected, especially with the new covers and types of diapers available now. These are not your mother or grandmother’s cloth diapers!
Would you recommend cloth diapers to others?
Definitely and I already have to some! I love to answer other people’s questions and help them find an option that works for their needs and lifestyle.
Rockin' Green Diaper Detergent: www.rockingreensoap.com
Where I ordered my flats and covers: www.clothtushies.com
A great place to go and join cloth diapering groups for information and help: www.cafemom.com (I am a member of Cloth Diapering, Cuties with Cloth Booties, and Cloth Diapering Mamas)
*If you have any additional questions that were not answered in this post, please post them as a comment (you don't have to have a login to do so) and we will answer them as best we can! Thanks for reading! ~2FM